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Victor Teboul, editor of, publishes his third novel, ''Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !''

Author Victor Teboul, editor of the Canadian web magazine, has  published his third novel in France. ''Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !'', which could be translated as '' Welcome into the World of Mister B. ! '' is a work of fiction which depicts the world of power and finance within Montreal's Jewish Community.

During a radio interview at Radio-Canada International, Teboul said it takes ''hutspa'' to write a novel such as ''Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !'' .

Teboul was the Quebec Regional Director of the Canada-Israel Committee (CIC) and editor of the magazine JONATHAN published by the CIC.

He founded the webzine in 2002 in order to promote critical views on tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism.

''Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !'' is his seventh book. The novel is available in bookstores in Canada and in Europe as well as on

For more info, please click on the following link : Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !

Image above : Victor Teboul at the Writer's Exhibition, Montreal, UNESCO World Book Capital, McGill Avenue, Summer 2005.

Image below : Writer's Exhibition, Montreal, UNESCO World Book Capital, McGill Avenue, Summer 2005. 

For essays and studies in French on my work, please click HERE.

* Victor Teboul at the Writer's Exhibition, Montreal, UNESCO World Book Capital, McGill Avenue, Summer 2005.

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