Can Anti-Semitism in Quebec be rooted out?
by Graham Fraser, The Gazette
It is interesting to note that this fall, the first issue of Jonathan has been published, a French language Jewish publication from the Québec-Israel Committee. The publisher, Victor Teboul, has contributed perhaps more than anyone else to a first reading of antisemitism in Quebec in his book Mythe et images du Juif au Québec.
It is a study of the images of the Jew in Quebec literature. And a hair-curling study it is, revealing the Jew as a deeply rooted malignant figure in one work after another.
Teboul's book was published four years ago. Yet the illustrative examples, sadly, do not end.
More than anyone else, Teboul is familiar with that nasty stereotype in Quebec literature. He concludes his book saying that "it seems that the Jewish personality remains a stranger in the Québec imagination because he is not perceived as being, or being able to be, part of the collective memory and the cultural space of Quebec."
It is a testimony to Teboul’s faith in Quebec society’s capacity for openness that he should commit himself to changing that by launching a magazine like Jonathan.
Grahama Fraser’s column, Can antisemitism in Quebec be rooted out ? The Gazette, November 3, 1981.
The magazine was named Jonathan to honour the memory of Netanyahu’s brother, Yonatan, commander of the Entebbe Raid, who lost his life during the rescue operation.
Below : Ted Greenfield, chairman of the Quebec Israel Committee presents Washington Israeli ambassador official Benjamin Netanyahu with Special bound copies of Jonathan. The French-language magazine, published by the Committee was founded by Victor Teboul, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Quebec Israel Committee.
Canadian Jewish News, April 12, 1984. Ted Greenfield, chairman of the Quebec Israel Committee presents Washington Israeli ambassador official Benjamin Netanyahu with Special bound copies of Jonathan. The French-language magazine, published by the Committee was founded by Victor Teboul, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Quebec Israel Committee.
Below is the official letter addressed to Victor Teboul by Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu :
Click to enlarge image
Click to enlarge image
A detailed review of Quebec – Israel events and exchanges organised by Jonathan magazine is discussed in the following ebook :
More on Jonathan on :
Google Play
See also :
Accommodating Bedfellows : Montreal's Jewish Community and Quebec's Intellectual Elite
Mordecai Richler, an attentive reader of Mythe et images du Juif au Québec
Updated Dec. 31, 2022